UN Global Compact har flera systerorganisationer och en av dem är PRME (The Principles for Responsible Management Education) som arbetar med akademin. I Sverige finns det tre skolor som är PRME-champions och en av dem är Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (HHS). PRME ligger där under MISUM och vi ger er nu möjlighet till samarbeta med skolans elever.
Eleverna i årskurs ett letar företag att intervjua för deras projekt som startar i månadsskiftet mars/april 2020. Nedan kan du läsa om vad projektet går ut på.
About the project
Students are required to interview a company/an entrepreneur, and then, based on the interview and other secondary material they can find:
1. Identify a strategic decision facing the company/entrepreneur. This can either be a decision they are about to take in the near future, or one they have been faced with recently. This may, for example, be a decision about how to raise capital to expand, or launching a new product, or thinking about entering a new market, or wanting to employ more people, or how to price a product or service, etc.
2. Analyze the factors that contribute to the companies/entrepreneurs approach to strategic decisions. Relate this to the theoretical concepts covered in this course, in particular:
– different views on CSR, and the relative importance of profit VS social responsibility: is the organization benefiting society while at the same time pursuing profit, or is there a conflict between the two, that is relevant to this particular decision? Is the organization free to pursue social objectives even if they are in conflict with profit generation?
– organizational differences in formal governance: which actors and stakeholders need to be brought onboard when taking an important strategic decision? Which actors and stakeholders will managers need to answer to?
Här finner ni mer information om PRME hos HHS.
Anmäla intresse
Om ni finner ovan projekt intressanta och vill ställa upp för att bli intervjuad, vänligen mejla Maria Perrotta Berlin som är Development Director for Global Challenges and UN PRME hos HHS: Maria.Perrotta@hhs.se.